
Monday, January 01, 2007

Blog Revolution

Katy has inspired a blog revolution.

More YIA

Youth In Action 2006

Monday, June 12, 2006


Our area wide service project went well this year. We worked at a couple of schools in Rose City.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Group to Honduras

Three of our best are in Honduras on a mission effort right now. I hope to hear from them soon, and let you know how their trip is going.
They are going to serve, but also to help build a core for a larger trip next summer.


Roller Coaster Shots

Don Cheadle

He's a great actor (Hotel Rawanda, Crash, to name two recent films he's been in). But did you know that he is also in our teen ministry. Compare this photo of Don to one of our teens and tell me if you see what I see.

More 6 Flags

Just a few group shots...

Monday, June 05, 2006

DaVinci Code who???

Lots of ideas floating around out there. CHeck out this site for some resources:

or just let me shortcut you...
Resources for Researching The DaVinci Code
Darrell L. Bock, Breaking the Da Vinci Code (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2004).

Ben Witherington, III, The Gospel Code (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2004).

Carl E. Olsen and Sandra Miesel, The Da Vinci Hoax: Exposing the Errors in The Da Vinci Code (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2005).


Sony pictures has a website for critiques of the book and movie:

6 Flags adds new flag...

Not really. But here's a brief look into our trip. (Can you tell I got a new camera? The teens are sick of my flash...)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Tonight we began a discussion about truth. Absolute truth. Subjective truth. Truth.
I talked about creating a list of things that you believe (if you dont know why you believe what you believe, you probably dont believe anything).
As many have done (in creeds, statements of faith, etc...), I ask you to tell us something you know to be truth (in the absolute sense) and why you believe it.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Summer is coming. Register ASAP...

Summer 2006 Here is what we've got going. Contact me if you have questions.

Event DAte Registration due Cost

Honduras Mission Trip June 2-16 Closed - - -
Spazz Days - Service Project in Little Rock June 8-10 TBA TBA
Six Flags June 4-6 May 15 $60
UPLIFT June 17-22 May 1 Before May 1 - $175 After May 1 - $200
Camp Caudle - Counselors July 1-8 May 1 Free
Senior High Mission Trip - Tammany Oaks, Louisiana July 12- 17 June 1 $25
Junior High MIssion Trip - St. Louis, Missouri July 23-28 June 1 $25
Area Wide Back to School Praise NIght August 19
Andrew Peterson concert August 25 $10
Best Friends Retreat Sept 1-4 TBA TBA
Various Local Activities

Empty Chair

Take a few moments to think about who used to sit in that chair. Now think about a friend that you have that needs to sent in that empty chair. Say a prayer, and work to see your prayer answered. Dont worry, I can get more chairs...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Christeens 2006

I always forget to take pictures, but here are a few from CHristeens this year.